A website that generates steady passive has to have a mechanism that converts traffic to the website into transactions. The ways it can be accomplished are multiple. Your website could sell physical or digital goods or services. Delving deep into the discussion, we now list the details about how.


(1) Generation of passive income through a website would involve first building the website. WordPress and other CMS have tutorials about how to build a website (However, if you need professional help then we could reach us via email or phone [Fill up the form below for a FREE Consultation]). On the website, there are multiple ways to create a passive revenue stream. Google AdSense is one. How it works is this. Google has algorithms that detect traffic to your website or blog. Depending on the content of the website or the complex combination determined by advanced algorithms, the individual interest of the visitors of your website, advertisements of third parties are placed. When visitors click on those advertisements, your website generates revenue for every thousand clicks paid by Google to you. Another passive revenue generation mechanism is using your website to sell digital or physical goods and services. EBooks, digital templates are some of the digital goods that can generate passive revenue for your website. Ecommerce websites too can generate a passive revenue stream that involves third party delivery and drop mechanism.

(2) Your website has to be enticing enough to generate traffic. Or you have to use blogs,  posts on social media pages to attract traffic to your website. For visitor traffic generation, some kind of attractive multimedia link has to be developed that attracts traffic from third-party websites to your website. There are perhaps hundreds of millions of websites that allow placement of advertisements of websites that do not compete with the products or services offered by them to be placed on their websites. You as part of your advertisement campaign could create multiple versions of advertisements for your website that are placed according to advanced algorithms that take into consideration the temperament of the visitors. Once the visitors have landed on your website, there are ways more than one to capture details of the visitors and convert the leads generated into income for your website.

(3) Humans cannot work 24×7, they are they can make errors. These even advertisement content and digital marketing can be automated. There are companies that have come up with software that do exactly as mentioned above and many companies have used their products to strengthen, streamline and make more efficient their marketing campaigns on the digital platforms. As mentioned earlier, the algorithms work in the background, eliminating the need for human intervention. As software products are programmed, they may require debugging, but once launched they need no supervision. Obviously the companies that harness the power of automation and technology end up saving up on human capital employment.

(4) Building a profitable business website requires an understanding of the market that the website seeks to address. Hence to provide professional assistance in making a profitable business website, we need to have experience and understanding of the so-called software development lifecycle. Understanding the purpose of the website, creating the content, code the algorithm and finally the analysis of the performance. Optimization and strategy development could follow the development of the website for further monetization of the website.

That completes the details of the development and generation of the revenue streams from the website. If you need further assistance or professional help for using the power of your website then you could reach us by simply filling out the form or via email. We promise you to provide you the best assistance.